how about abolish the income tax, and replace it with NOTHING?
The only purpose for the income tax is to pay the interest on the National Debt to the Federal Reserve.
Before 1913 there was no Federal Reserve and no income tax (such a tax was banned in the original Constitution) and the American people were prosperous.
Look where we are today.
but 40 have signed on to Rep. John Linder's [GA-7] bill to abolish the
income tax, and replace it with a national sales tax.
You can read the bill in all its glory at
[_link to www.thomas.gov_
( ]
there's a link at the top of the page, to download a PDF of the bill from
the Government Printing Office (pass out copies at work)
Here is the list
Rep Akin, W. Todd [MO-2] - 1/6/2009
Rep Alexander, Rodney [LA-5] - 1/6/2009
Rep Bachus, Spencer [AL-6] - 1/6/2009
Rep Bartlett, Roscoe G. [MD-6] - 1/6/2009
Rep Bilbray, Brian P. [CA-50] - 1/6/2009
Rep Brady, Kevin [TX-8] - 1/6/2009
Rep Brown, Henry E., Jr. [SC-1] - 1/6/2009
Rep Brown-Waite, Ginny [FL-5] - 1/6/2009
Rep Burton, Dan [IN-5] - 1/6/2009
Rep Carter, John R. [TX-31] - 1/6/2009
Rep Conaway, K. Michael [TX-11] - 1/6/2009
Rep Crenshaw, Ander [FL-4] - 1/23/2009
Rep Culberson, John Abney [TX-7] - 1/6/2009
Rep Deal, Nathan [GA-9] - 1/6/2009
Rep Duncan, John J., Jr. [TN-2] - 1/6/2009
Rep Fallin, Mary [OK-5] - 1/6/2009
Rep Franks, Trent [AZ-2] - 1/6/2009
Rep Gingrey, Phil [GA-11] - 1/6/2009
Rep Hensarling, Jeb [TX-5] - 1/6/2009
Rep Issa, Darrell E. [CA-49] - 1/9/2009
Rep King, Steve [IA-5] - 1/6/2009
Rep Kingston, Jack [GA-1] - 1/6/2009
Rep Lamborn, Doug [CO-5] - 1/6/2009
Rep Lucas, Frank D. [OK-3] - 1/6/2009
Rep McCaul, Michael T. [TX-10] - 1/6/2009
Rep Mica, John L. [FL-7] - 1/9/2009
Rep Miller, Gary G. [CA-42] - 1/14/2009
Rep Moran, Jerry [KS-1] - 1/13/2009
Rep Myrick, Sue Wilkins [NC-9] - 1/8/2009
Rep Neugebauer, Randy [TX-19] - 1/6/2009
Rep Pence, Mike [IN-6] - 1/6/2009
Rep Poe, Ted [TX-2] - 1/6/2009
Rep Price, Tom [GA-6] - 1/6/2009
Rep Stearns, Cliff [FL-6] - 1/6/2009
Rep Sullivan, John [OK-1] - 1/6/2009
Rep Thornberry, Mac [TX-13] - 1/6/2009
Rep Tiahrt, Todd [KS-4] - 1/6/2009
Rep Westmoreland, Lynn A. [GA-3] - 1/6/2009
Rep Wittman, Robert J. [VA-1] - 1/6/2009
Rep Young, Don [AK] - 1/6/2009
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