American Scofflaw
The terrorists in the federal government are continuing their push to infringe on everyone’s natural right to defend themselves.
More specifically, a new bill has been introduced that would allow the Attorney General to deny the transfer of a firearm or the issuance of a firearm to a known or suspected dangerous terrorist. The bill is HR 2159 or the Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act of 2009.
This legislation is incredibly disturbing because since the 9/11 false flag terror attacks, the government has been utilizing the bogus war on terror as a pretext to label a myriad of people as domestic terrorists.
In this Orwellian world that we live in, supporters of the Constitution, liberty oriented individuals and even anti-war protesters are now being considered domestic terrorists. With this in mind, this legislation will allow the government to deny an individual the right to bear arms by simply stating that they are a suspected terrorist.
In this world we are moving into, everyone will be a suspected terrorist, so it is convenient that something like this would be proposed.
This was exactly the strategy employed by Adolf Hitler. The Jews were the first people denied their civil rights--especially the right to own and possess firearms. Of course, after disarming Jews, the rest of the German citizenry was likewise disarmed. And we all know where that led.
I'm not sure how many of the American people realize that it was the attempted confiscation of the colonialists' cache of arms in Concord, Massachusetts, that started America's War for Independence. Yes, my friends, it was attempted gun confiscation that triggered (pun intended) the "shot heard 'round the world." And now it would appear that, once again, a central government is on the verge of trying to deny the American people their right to keep and bear arms.
I am told that as of 2004, 50% of the adults in the United States own one or more firearms, totaling some 270 million privately owned firearms nationwide. I would venture to say that the vast majority of these gun owners would find themselves matching the DHS profile of a potential "extremist." I wonder how many gun owners realize the way they are now being targeted by their government, and just how serious--and how close--the threat of gun confiscation has become?
This leads to a very serious question: how many of America's gun owners would allow their government to deny them gun ownership? Further, how many would passively sit back and allow their guns to be confiscated?
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