Friday, October 16, 2015
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
南海问题毕竟不是中美关系的全部,中美合作的广阔领域不可避免地会对五角大楼在南海冒进形成牵制。美军在南海看似嚣张,但其背后的政治和社会支持肯定没有中方对其反制时背后的支持强大、持久。想必美军上下对此是清楚的,中国人常说“纸老虎”,其实指的就是这种情况。Thursday, May 21, 2015
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
It sounds like this Judy Clarke is
the government's "fixer" to get patsies to plead guilty. This is the
only way for the FBI to get out of proving they really did have a video
showing the planting of the bomb.
Were Clarke really working for Tsarnaev, she could win the case simply by showing the jury the remains of the bomb and backpack, and the photos of both Tsarnaev brothers taken at the scene before the blast, which clearly show the brothers were not the source of the backpack with the bomb!
At top, the remains of the bomb backpack. Note the black color and white square patch. At bottom, the Tsarnaev brothers are on the left, the "Khaki" man with the backback identical to the bomb backpack is on the right.
And more tellingly, this third man was photographed after the bombing WITHOUT his backpack.
When Martin Luther King was assassinated, Patsy James
Earl Ray was told by his government-appointed attorney that if he did
not challenge the official story and pled guilty, Ray would get a short
prison sentence. Of course, the judge sentenced James Earl Ray to life
without parole then refused to allow Ray to change his plea! I suspect
the same thing is happening here. Clarke has likely told Dzhokhar
Tsarnaev that if he pleads guilty and says his brother made him do it,
he will get a light sentence. And Dzhokhar Tsarnaev won't know how badly
he is being screwed until it is too late.
Were Clarke really working for Tsarnaev, she could win the case simply by showing the jury the remains of the bomb and backpack, and the photos of both Tsarnaev brothers taken at the scene before the blast, which clearly show the brothers were not the source of the backpack with the bomb!
At top, the remains of the bomb backpack. Note the black color and white square patch. At bottom, the Tsarnaev brothers are on the left, the "Khaki" man with the backback identical to the bomb backpack is on the right.
Notice the Tsarnaev brothers
photographed at the scene prior to the bombing. Their backpacks are grey, with
no square label. The man on the right, part of a team all dressed identically,
wears a black backpack with the square white label.
And more tellingly, this third man was photographed after the bombing WITHOUT his backpack.
It is also now apparent that the
much cited video that supposedly showed Dzhokhar Tsarnaev planting a bomb does
not exist, but was reported to support the official story and taint the jury
The plot thickens! Tamerlane
Tsarnaev attended a CIA-sponsored workshop!
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Gottcha, scofflaw

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